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Share data to any user on your terms 

without licensing concerns

while simplifying and improving governance

without compromising security

Transform your data into action

A single point of access for all your data needs, turning complex data into actionable insights with ease

Whether you're a business leader, a data analyst, or an IT professional, DataCentral equips you with the tools to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently

We believe that access to data should be straightforward and transformative

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Ready to Elevate Your Data Experience?

DataCentral is more than just a platform; it's a catalyst for innovation within your organization. Built on top of leading BI offerings such as Power BI, Tableau and Qlik; It provides practical solutions to common issues in a simple and secure manner.  With DataCentral, you can extend and enhance your existing reports and automations without limitations.  DataCentral is highly configurable, adapting to your specific needs to deliver the insights that can propel you forward.

DataCentral has simplified complex processes, allowing us to reallocate resources towards innovation and the enhancement of our core technical BI stack, further adding value to our services.

Magnús Guðmann Jónsson


DataCentral could play an important role in making datasets and reports more accessible, resulting in positive effects of turning information into actionable insights.
The solution simplifies management for information sharing between governmental agencies, increasing security, decentralize access management and encourage data sharing.

As a company that prides itself on efficiency and security, we have been on the lookout for a solution that allows us to share our data models and reports with our global partners securely and conveniently.

DataCentral has significantly improved the way Play Airlines manages and shares data.

Sveinn Ingi Steinþórsson

Director FP&A, DATA and BI

Play Airline


What Our Clients Are Saying

Serving both public and private sectors

A single point of access for all your data needs, turning complex data into actionable insights with ease

Whether you're a business leader, a data analyst, or an IT professional, make informed decisions quickly and efficiently

We believe that access to data should be straightforward and transformative

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